Artyshox Collective was established in 2022 by 6 artists in Berlin, each coming from different backgrounds. Now expanding to be 8 and soon to be more, we are involved in several collaborative projects as well as helping each other grow individually.
As Artyshox, we believe art should be a part of everyday life, while being accessible & inclusive everywhere and for everyone. We want to encourage exchange and connection between people through art, and aspire to use artistic means to point out social issues & discussions with the desire to create positive change, in whatever we do.
We see strength in diversity and always welcome new ideas and cooperation with other artists from all around the world.

It is hard to define Atelier Äuglein in a nutshell, but I will try. Going by the motto ‘It totally suits you, or freaks you’, this alternative co-working space at the heart of Kreuzberg is notorious for hosting all sorts of sweet weirdos and their events in the beautiful Berlin.
Apart from some of us already having their workspace here back then, last year we declared it as the headquarters of Artyshox without consulting anyone. Luckily our co-workers seem to be okay with our loud meetings.
Spiced up by philosophical talks, daily dramas and never ending discussions on art, society and politics, we regularly hold public and private events here.